Friday, September 16, 2011

[CE] Not a pleasant show...

From what had happened back at Reno that 3 people have died and 56 more have been injured from the crash. I think that the aircraft  technicians should of double check or check more carefully of these more  fighter jets, and might have avoided this incident to happen. I mean… I know  shits happen, but this could really be avoided or lower the injuries that had  caused by having the crowd stands in a much much safer distance that when the jet  does crash, the explosion wouldn’t caused much of a damage to the audiences. Though  it already happened we can’t argue that what we should of have done to prevent  this tragedy, but we could for the next similar event and hope for the best that nothing like this will happen again.

From what I have experienced is that shits  happen when you don’t properly prepare for it. It also bring to my mind that back when I was 9 years old, during a lunar festival, I was playing with candles  and fires (it was kinda like a tradition tho is not safe to play with fire but I  did anyways…) but when I was fooling around, I have thought about getting myself burnt  if I keep playing with fire. But in the end I just kept on playing with it,  knowing that it could injure me. Not long from that thought, I did burnt myself, it was one hella painful festival that I have been thru… All in all, shits does happen, but you can avoid it by preparing yourself and thinking ahead…

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