Thursday, September 8, 2011

[BC] Something about me~

Well if you haven’t known me yet, my name is Raymond Chiu. I am 16 years old and currently a sophomore in Alameda High School. I enjoy hanging out with my friends, playing video games, and doing volunteers’ work at SA --aka The Salvation Army--. I was born in San Francisco, CA, but I have spent a little bit more than half my life living in Hong Kong with my parents. When I first enrolled to a school in US was back when I was in 4thgrade. As for myself, sometime I just can’t remember stuff maybe it was due to that I banged my head to a corner of a coffee table by accident back when I was1 and a half. That incident has cost me to have over 14 stitches on my forehead according to my parents.(Not a pleasant thing to have when you were just a 1years old boy)
As for video games I play them whenever I have free time. I think that playing games help me relieve stress, as well as entertainment. I really enjoy chatting and playing with my friends over the internet a lot. When I just can’t think of a solution for math or something to write about in English, I just jump onto “Facebook” and play “Tetris Battle”. “Tetris Battle” really helps my brain to get going and think faster, just as you were playing tetris and trying to drop the blocks and clears the line as soon as possible. It also helps me relieve my stresses, because when I play Tetris, all I care is to focus the game and win. I also play this game call “League of Legends” is action RTS (real time strategy) based game where I can communicate with other players and learn how to lead my teammates into victory. By playing this game it had helped me to improve my sense of leadership to become a better person.
Whenever I chill with my friends, we usually just go watch a movie, hang in the park, play some basketball. Sometime my friends and I just goes over to Salvation Army at Oakland to do some volunteer work. Such as moving chairs, serving elderly food occasionally on these holidays, and packing up gift baskets to the poor. When I help these elders or homeless people with my friends, I really feel the joy just by spending a day of mine and helping out. And it is a great way to get lots of community service hours (have over 700hours already :D). I also help out in the Salvation Army After School Program on some of the day when I don’t have too much homework. When I am there, I teach these kids from K – 4th grade on their homework and teach them how to respect elderly.
By now most of you readers should of known that I have spent a long long time (10 years? idk) living in Hong Kong (that’s how I got my accent :P). Well I have been in HK (Hong Kong) for that long is because at that time my dad wasn’t a citizen in US yet. Therefore, I had to stay in HK with him and my mom. My writing goals for this year is to expand my vocabulary and gets to learn more about sentence transition a bit smoother.

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