Saturday, September 10, 2011

[CE] We are all the same in a way...

As we all know the 9/11 event has changed the country or  even the world so much that we have to spend millions and millions of dollars  in order improve the airports securities to prevent another horrible event like  9/11 to happen again. And because the effect of  9/11 most people now look down  at these other cultures such as the Arab Americans and Muslims. As for example, ten years after the 9/11 attacks, most Americans still think that if you wear a  turban, you won’t be any good as other. I really think that this stereotype just  because someone has a turban on them, you can’t just judge him/her as a bad  person that would do no good. And according to the news clip above I think it  is just wrong to go out and kill innocent people just because of their race, which that make us(American) a hypocrite for saying that United State is a country  of freedom and everyone is created  equal. Most Americans are just lying to themselves, because they are the ones  who says everyone has the right no matter what color you are, but they still  judge the colored people. In the end it can’t be helped that because that some of these dumbasses and ignorant will remain dumbasses and ignorant no matter what. But I really hope that this could change one day. Though all of us are from different parts of the world and different personalities we are all still  humans, it doesn’t matter if you are black, white or yellow we are all humans….

1 comment:

  1. I think that 9/11 was sad and terrible for all Americans at a time.
    But after the wars started, and people from the Middle East were found to have been tortured by American soldiers, I stopped thinking it was as sad and terrible. Currently, hundreds of thousands of innocent, unarmed civilians have been killed in the wars we started. We have committed crimes against innocent people that literally make us hundreds of times more guilty than any 9/11 terrorist ever was.
    We are all human. Life is a precious thing, and skin color has nothing to do with the value of a life.
    Don't misunderstand me, I deeply regret the lives lost and families tortured by their losses 10 years ago.
    What I regret more is innocent civilians being tortured and air bombed.
