Friday, September 16, 2011

[FREE] Is there something wrong with your eyes?

Did you know that human eye can distinguish 10 million colors? And did you know that when you are a kid your eyeballs grow? Your eyes are fully grown by the time you are 13, and once past that it will stop. Because that everyone’s eyes stop growing at the age of 13, all adults’ eyes are about the same size maybe just 1 or 2 millimeters different. The eye is made of 3 layers of coats; first layer is covered by the cornea and sclera, then the middle layer consists of the choroid, iris, and ciliary body, then the innermost layer of your eye is the retina.

When your eyes move there is a quick blur between one destination and to another, and that blur is incomprehensible to our brain. Because of it, our visual system just erases the blur from our memory, and by that it replaces the fraction of the second during we move, with the very next thing we see. This leads to an illusion, called stopped clock illusion. An example is when you are in a classroom, darting your eyes back and forward onto the clock, waiting for class to be over. Right when you dart your eyes to the clock, that very first movement of the second hand, once your eyes had reached it, it seems to be longer than every other seconds afterward. Because your brain has replaced the time it took for your eyes to reach the clock with a image of the first thing you saw with the second hand, so that milliseconds from moving your eyes to the clock is added to the length of time of the second hand to move. What is really interesting about this is that, that little fraction of second that your eyeball moves from 1 object to another is lost! And throughout the day those small fractions of time adds around up to 40 minutes per day.

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