Friday, September 9, 2011

[FREE] untouchable?

Have you ever wonder how close can two people physically get? When you put your hands together they are touching… but down at the atomic level they are not really touching each other. And when you are up on your feet you are not really touching the floor you are hovering. It is because between your feet and the ground there is a tiny tiny tiny atomic size gap that is so small that you cannot even see, but it is there. You know why? Because your feet and the ground is made out of atoms; a nucleus surrounded by an outer shell of orbiting electrons. When two atoms that is close to each other and aren’t going to bond or chemically react, they have trouble touching each other. Know why? Is because electrons repel one and another and these electrons have the same charge. Also because this “Pauli exclusion principle” all of its atoms electrons cannot be all pushed down to the same energy level. Therefore, when you are touching something, you are actually not… but down at the atomic level you are pretty close.
Another thing is that when you touch something you can feel like. Why? Is because of the nerves in your skin can feel the repulsive force of the texture or the feeling of the object. Also, for example, when you use a scissor and take a piece of paper, the scissor blade’s atoms is just pushing through the atoms of the paper using the electrons repulsion forces. But the sad thing is that when you are kissing your boyfriend/girlfriend you are not making contact with their matter, you are just feeling the repulsive force of their electrons. After all that said, the closest, people can touch each other is when both your parents are combining their DNA in a chemical way to make you. In a way your parents and your children are the only people that you can know for certain you have come the closest to actually touching.


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