Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[FREE] Snapple apple

Ever had Snapple before? Well, you should go try some if you haven’t already. Snapple is a brand of juice and tea drinks which is owned by Dr Pepper Snapple Group. The brand was introduced in the year of 1972. Snapple was invented by Hyman Golden, Arnold Greenberg, and Leonard Marsh in New York, in the early 1970s. When it was first invented they only have fruity favors for their drinks. Then later, in 1987, they started introducing their first tea and lemon tea favors. Nowadays, they have 4 different types of Snapple: tea drinks that come in diet or regular, juice drinks, lemonade, and in bottled water. Their drinks were all 100% made out of pure fruits and tea leaves until in 2009, when they started adding sugars to it. Though they still sell the old Snapple drinks but it is becoming increasingly rare. Snapple’s brand slogan is “Made from the Best Stuff on Earth”.
In October 2003, Snapple had begun their sponsorship with New York City school systems. The deal was that they have to let the school sell Snapple drinks to the students; in return The Snapple Company gives them 8 million dollar profit back per year. Then later, Snapple was able to convince the school to ban sodas and other sugary snacks from their vending machines due to childhood’s obesity and diabetes and are considered to be unhealthy. Soon later, Snapple had added facts about the world and some other things you wouldn’t learn from school under their bottled drink’s cap to make it more convenient to the parents to buy the drinks for their kids. 

1 comment:

  1. I did a response post to this:
